Thursday, July 15, 2010 Campaign Takes a Trip Across the Pond

Armed with vuvuzelas and t-shirts, angry protestors took to BP's international headquarters in London to participate in the "Vuvuzela's for BP" event on Tuesday, July 13, 2010.

Demonstrators blew their horns loudly, sending a clear message to execs that "BP blows" for their handling of the worst oil leak in U.S. history. The damaging effects of the spill have motivated many to take action and joining the campaign is allowing many to do just that, help. It has put everyday people at the forefront of a major environmental movement and is gaining supporters with each passing day. This international venture for the campaign, organized by Adam Quirk and Babelgum (UK), is a sure sign that the message is getting out there. The campaign hopes to put pressure on BP execs to cap this massive and devastating oil leak which, as of today, has gone into its 82nd day of gushing crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico. (for spill counter: )

If you want to create a buzz and sound off on this disaster (vuvuzela's optional), join the fight and get your t-shirt today. You can purchase gear at for just $9.95. A portion of the proceeds will go to the Gulf Restoration Network charity (, which is committed to helping with the clean up efforts in the Gulf of Mexico.

You can also 'like' on facebook:

Check out video of's trip across the pond:

Monday, July 12, 2010

Lock your fears away with the Ultimate Lock!

Miami, FL… 417,122. This amount represents the total number of reported robberies in the area ( How safe do you feel in your city?

Captain Ron Daniels may be able to settle your fears with his creation of the Ultimate Lock. The lock contains four degrees of protection and, according to Daniels, it is stronger than any other deadbolt sold in stores.
The Ultimate Lock can withstand up to 4,000 lbs. It can’t be kicked in or rammed. (Just ask J.T. Boyer, an investor of the lock, who broke his knee trying to kick a door in with the lock installed.) It can’t be bump keyed or picked. It can work without a deadbolt and is endorsed by law enforcements, NASA and ALOA. Did I mention the 10 year warranty?

So how does it work? First the Ultimate Lock contains extra long screws to be used on your hinges. These screws are drilled into the door frame in opposite directions at 30 degree angles making your door become a brick wall. If your door is being kicked in the screws will bend into the frame in such a way to increase the amount of force the door can withstand.

The anti-bump key feature makes picking your lock virtually impossible with its six-pin bump protection rather than the average four.

The Ultimate Lock also contains a lockout mode where a person can push a button from the inside of the home and it will deactivate the locking mechanism from the lock, therefore preventing the door from being unlocked.

With the Ultimate Lock’s double deadbolt unit you’ll never worry about a home invasion again. And stop double checking if you locked the door. The Ultimate Lock’s secondary security lock protrudes slightly across the door frame making it easy to see that your door is locked from 40 feet away!

With all these amazing features the Ultimate Lock is a one-of-a-kind lock that is guaranteed to keep your home and your family safe!

Check out this demonstration video!

The Ultimate Lock is available at all Lowe’s stores for around $175 and can be installed by Pop-A-Lock, just call (800) POP-A-LOCK or visit their website

For more information, please visit or call (713) 266-1400.

Thursday, July 1, 2010 partners up with The Gulf Restoration Network

The BPblows campaign has recently partnered up with The Gulf Restoration Network charity to whom it will donate a portion of all t-shirt sales at The charity, based out of New Orleans, LA is committed to helping with the clean up efforts in the Gulf of Mexico.

The Gulf Restoration Network (GRN), which was founded on August 29th 1995. Since its inception the charity has grown to its current size of 8 staff and 2 consultants. With a vision that ‘the Gulf of Mexico will continue to be a natural, economic, and recreational resource that is central to the culture and heritage of five states and three nations,’ GRN is the perfect partner for the campaign.
The campaign has grown rapidly, already having 1,086 ‘fans’ on Facebook ( Planes have been flying around the Pensacola, FL area parading banners that direct onlookers to the company website.