Dr. Larry Shapiro turned a lot of heads when he released his list that rated which celebrities have the best and worst hair.
Celebrities were rated using Dr. Shapiro’s “Hair IQ Score” (http://www.hairiqscore.com/) which takes into consideration health, shine, body, texture, color, amount and presentation of hair.
Topping the list were Ellen DeGeneres, Hugh Jackman and Jennifer Anniston who each scored a 9 out of a possible 10. At the bottom of the list were Lindsey Lohan, David Letterman and, of course, Donald Trump.
“Hair IQ” stands for the hair’s Ideal Quotient. There should be a good balance of health, body and shine, for example, for a candidate to receive a high Hair IQ score.
Dr. Shapiro believes that a celebrity’s hair is probably their most distinguishable feature.
"When you see Jennifer Aniston, it's almost impossible not to get caught up in the beauty of her hair. And you might say the opposite about celebrities like The Donald, whose hair has become almost a ludicrous logo," he said.
Dr. Shapiro has performed over 11,000 micro-minigraft/follicular unit hair restoration surgery procedures. He was also the first doctor in the southern part of the country to specialize in “micro-mini grafts,” allowing him to develop his hair treatment to a state of the art procedure.
He recently launched a line of Help Hair™ (http://www.helphair.com/) products, which include a vitamin-rich, hair-friendly nutritional protein supplement shake to combat weight loss and muscle development programs that are good for the body but bad for hair. Many fitness programs conflict with proper hair care and can actually lead to hair loss.
Help Hair™ products are sold in Whole Foods stores. Like Dr. Shapiro asks, “Why lose hair when you lose weight?”
To learn more about Dr. Shapiro and his Help Hair™ products, check out his website at http://www.drshapiroshairinstitute.com/.
Celebrities were rated using Dr. Shapiro’s “Hair IQ Score” (http://www.hairiqscore.com/) which takes into consideration health, shine, body, texture, color, amount and presentation of hair.
Topping the list were Ellen DeGeneres, Hugh Jackman and Jennifer Anniston who each scored a 9 out of a possible 10. At the bottom of the list were Lindsey Lohan, David Letterman and, of course, Donald Trump.
“Hair IQ” stands for the hair’s Ideal Quotient. There should be a good balance of health, body and shine, for example, for a candidate to receive a high Hair IQ score.
Dr. Shapiro believes that a celebrity’s hair is probably their most distinguishable feature.
"When you see Jennifer Aniston, it's almost impossible not to get caught up in the beauty of her hair. And you might say the opposite about celebrities like The Donald, whose hair has become almost a ludicrous logo," he said.
Dr. Shapiro has performed over 11,000 micro-minigraft/follicular unit hair restoration surgery procedures. He was also the first doctor in the southern part of the country to specialize in “micro-mini grafts,” allowing him to develop his hair treatment to a state of the art procedure.
He recently launched a line of Help Hair™ (http://www.helphair.com/) products, which include a vitamin-rich, hair-friendly nutritional protein supplement shake to combat weight loss and muscle development programs that are good for the body but bad for hair. Many fitness programs conflict with proper hair care and can actually lead to hair loss.
Help Hair™ products are sold in Whole Foods stores. Like Dr. Shapiro asks, “Why lose hair when you lose weight?”
To learn more about Dr. Shapiro and his Help Hair™ products, check out his website at http://www.drshapiroshairinstitute.com/.